All NEW Doodle your Passions™

Doodle your Passion

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Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind,
even if your voice shakes. - Maggie Kuhn

I've written all new content and doodles for Jupiter in Gemini also known as Doodle your Passions™ 6.0. 

If 65% of us are visual learners + your brain processes 60,000 times faster than reading text, then it's time to Doodle your Passions™ by finding and activating joy in your life and business.

That's why I teach you how to doodle your dreams and passions into this world using the planetary energy of Jupiter as your sacred guide.

Tracking Jupiter is like panning for gold in your life and business. Some years there's a flash, and other years there's a glint so bright tons of creativity are released in your life.

Jupiter, the archetype of the Teacher asks, "what are am I ready to release into the world with my gifts, talents and capacities?" Let me clear the path NOW

Jupiter left Taurus in May 2024 and moved into Gemini for the first time in 12 years.

As teachers, healers, warriors, visionaries, many of our precious offerings come by way of trauma. From our lived experiences. When we are able to tell a healed story, it creates the path forward for ourselves and for the people who you're meant to serve.

This joy shows up in the power of your presence. Your body knows.

Authenticity. Truth. Storyteller.

This is me.

This is you.

“Empowerment DEMANDS that we become strong enough to seek truth rather than run away from it.”- Carolyn Myss

Jupiter rules expansion into new creative projects.

What wants to be revealed this coming year with Jupiter moving through the sign Gemini? Around creativity and money?

I’ll teach you how to do that... do you need to know astrology or how to doodle? No... Your heart creates the path for the experience to unfold that is uniquely yours. Through the power of your presence.

Where Jupiter moves through your birth chart he brings the energy of expansion.

Gemini ruled by Mercury activates your throat chakra. 

Using these doodles I'll help you understand the astrological cycle of Jupiter and how to best work with this energy in your life and business in plain common-sense language that stops the confusion and allows you to access your creative gifts in a brighter and bolder way.

More joy! More ease!

Are you born with Jupiter in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces? This course is for you.

Are you born with born with a Sun | Moon | Rising Sign in Gemini | Virgo | Sagittarius | Pisces you'll to find Jupiter’s ask for you.

Even so there is an ask for all of us with Jupiter's movement....Jupiter is an expansive creative energy, creating with WILD abandon it’s the archetype of the Teacher, philosopher. respond and be responsible.​

In this course I provide the doodles, you bring the color pens and markers. No more lined's time to play with Jupiter as your cosmic guide.

Feel into your body, is Doodle your Passions™ right for me at this moment in time? If it’s a full body yes, then join me in the doodles.

If you aren’t sure, go for a walk or take the question into meditation asking, “will this create more in my life...?”

If the answer is yes, then sign up below.

If the answer is no, then my work is not for you at this moment in your life. I trust you and your knowing.

To your success!

Feedback from Doodlers:

Yasmin Zaman"I have to say that the Doodle your Passions™ is brilliant. It's a creation full of vast knowledge, lived experience, warm wisdom and deep magic that no-one can help but be transformed by. I felt the energy shift as the doodles worked their magic, drawing me in. The journal prompts opened up portals of experience that had laid dormant for too long and needed to rise up to my conscious awareness for light and the healing transformation of understanding.

Like a tracker in the jungle of my life, I was able to track the footprints of my journey according to Jupiter's expedition through the signs until I finally found a pattern of passions woven through it. I have a much clearer idea of who I am, what I'm here to teach and how much more healing I have to do before I can teach others. It was a humbling and an honouring of my life so far to see how Jupiter has tracked my passions and carved a distinct pathway for me. This year, thanks to the DYP Jupiter in Taurus I woke up to my changing values, my successes and, very importantly, the reason why I turned my back on MONEY! Michele, thank you for all the love, talent and energy you poured into this doodle prompt. I'm blessed to have been able to test it for you."  -Insights from Yasmin Zaman B.H.(Hons.) PGCE after working through the doodles

Monica KentonOMG! I had an epic dream I'm titling "The Cosmic Playground."  I saw my creation and ally, Sparkles, the Number Queen flying through the air in the cosmos. She was wild, free, fun, and flinging sparkles everywhere.  I did the Jupiter pdf that Michele Grace Lessirard gave us yesterday. In it there was a lot about being able to do things from 12 years ago.

OMG.  What an activation Michele Grace!

In my dream, I saw stuff I was doing years ago. I haven't given it up in my heart and soul, but I took it off websites and everything. All around sacred time. I had a powerful dream called Cosmic Playground years ago as well. 
I forget how the work we do activates the receiver. So, the work I share activates others as well with the energy I have. I had fun making the pom pom creation I shared with you all last week in the Initiate: 2022. Sparkles, the number queen. Well, all she needed was me to honor her in fun.

I know I'm going to get more downloads on the numerology program I will be offering in January. That's the beauty of teaching.  We always learn more. Sparkles is rocking the universe. I feel this is epic.  Things are popping.  I'm still wildly jazzed from the dream and that was 45 minutes ago I woke up. 

Time for more cosmic play.  It's going to be a wild ride.  

Thanks Michele Grace for infusing the play, joy and fun in everything you do.  
I'm beyond excited.  
It's cosmic!!!!!!!

Insights from my client Monica Kenton, Dream Teacher, Writer, Spiritual Advisor, after doing Doodle your Passions Journaling

3 Modules

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This covers the Jupiter in Gemini moment starting May 25th, 2024 through June 2025

  • Are you willing?
  • How to create a SoulCollage® Card
  • Where's Gemini in your birth chart?

Doodle your Passions™ 6.0

  • Doodle your Passions™ PDF
  • Why Track Jupiter
  • How to Work with your Jupiter
  • Working with the Cross of Creation™
  • Cross of Creation Journey™


The Dead Wood Ritual

  • What's the Dead Wood Ritual?
  • When to do it.
Modules for this course 3
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