VIP Course 1: Distill Yourself

In this course we're going to focus on the power of your presence online...

It’s all about So(u)L
10 Day Immersion for
Waymakers, Change Agents, Leaders and Entrepreneurs

VIP: Private Mentoring + Distill Yourself

This is for those of you who are just starting out as well as those who need a refresh on their online presence.

As a Waymaker (yes you!) over the 10 days we're going to TEND to your online presence. 

In this course you’ll work with story, symbol and image that tells your soul's aligned story. Highlighting and activating what you came to teach and share with your clients and students.

:: Client Feedback ::

Distill Yourself is an incredible course whether you are starting out, looking to revamp things or beginning from scratch. It is a deep dive unlike any other business course I have taken which gets to the core of who you are and who you BE. Michele has decades of business expertise and wraps it up with deep spiritual and astrological information to make this a truly unique program bringing out who you really are and how you want to show up in the world. This is definitely a "must do" program.

Distill Yourself is a circle of wise women, showing up, supporting each other in the process with Michele’s guidance and teachings. It was just what I needed for clarity. Distill Yourself helped me shifted away from the not knowing to, what do I know, what am I learning and all the support was key to let that bubble up. Yes it was about websites and so much more!! Thank you Michele and all participants!

I have a mix of old and new on my website this helped me get my language honed to better attract my dream client.

Michele Grace you are a masterful teacher and it's clear that you are a shaman as well because your classes look "ordinary" but go VERY deep and activate the attendees in profound ways. 💫🤳💫

12 Modules

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Let's get started....

Day 1 Intro+ Grounding + Playing in Portals

Grounding the work

Day 2 The Moon aka the ask of your clients

  • Water: The Emotional Connection.
  • How the Moon reflects your Clients
  • Your Body of Work

Day 3 What lights me UP?

The Fire within

Day 4 Sharing the Spark

Sharing the Spark

Day 6 Catch-Up Gimmers

Finding my Vision

Day 8 Waymaking

Become the Waymaker

Day 9 Wrap up

No assignment today. Come to the call and I'll share next steps.

Modules for this course 12
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