2024 June Mid-year Initiate Retreat

What if I can't attend live?  You'll have access to the recordings within 48-72 hours after the retreat. You can listen or watch the videos. Basically you don't have to be live at the session... so don't let that stop you.

What if I don't have the funds? I put a pay-from-the-heart options, use it. If you find the materials and teachings helpful, send me a tip later when your funds are more spacious.

We all have stop and starts.

We regroup.

We decide to go a different direction.
We go quiet. Entrepreneurship is not linear and
definitely not always forward movement.

Collectively. We. Are. 

Hanging in the Dangle.

We meet mid-year to reflect on the last six months; visioning what we want to bring forward the rest of the year. Summer is the time of fruit, what you planted at the Initiate Retreat in December moved into fruition...what needs tweaking? What needs to be let go? 

We meet and play with in the doodles prior to the Gemini New Moon and Summer Solstice. It's the season of flowering.

What's in full bloom in your creative life, ready to be seen?

Here’s what I do know….

Focus on the joy.
Focus on the way forward.
Activate joy. Any bit of joy. Keep returning to joy.
5 seconds. 5 minutes. 5 house. Build your joy muscle.
If you have a vision…. let’s activate it.
Dance it. Drum it. Write it.

Create an altar to that vision. Put joy into it.

The little bits of joy that your vision will bring you.
And if we all focus on those bits of joy, large and small…
then we’ll create a forward momentum.
Personally. Collectively.

If 65% of us are visual learners + your brain processes 60,000 times faster than reading text, then it's time to doodle. In this 4-Hour Session with the Doodle Workbook we're going to review what's working and make adjustments where needed, so you can finish off 2023 strong.

  • Includes the downloadable 26-page Doodle Workbook PDF (I do the doodles for you).
  • Connect to what your heart longs to share with clients. Let your weirdness shine. . .
  • Tell your story, without blame, shame or judgment.
  • Build a business that reflects YOUR heart’s knowing.

Understand this will unfold and shift over time.

What Clients are saying...

“Yes, yes and a million times yes.
Last year’s set me on a wonder-filled path for this year.”- Valerie

“This was so much fun. Could have gone on for hours more. Love the group energy and synergy. Thank you all for your contributions. Michele Grace, many thanks for holding the sacred container and asking the most divinely spot on questions.”- Charlene

“The secret sauce to your Initiate Retreat, Michele Grace, is creating the space for us to step in, unload, and sift through our stuff. While some of us were cleared for takeoff by the process, some of us are still sifting. And that’s okay. All ways work. LOVE your way AND your work, thank you!!” - Christine

8 Modules

Start Here-Zoom Details

  • How to join the Facebook Community
  • Zoom Details for Saturday's Session
  • RSVP for the Bonus Call

The Dead Wood Ritual

This is a letting go ritual... use this when you feel stuck and/or want a shift in your life. It's an excellent ritual to do:

  • Prior to the Initiate Retreat.
  • About to learn something new.
  • When you are healing an issue
  • or working with a healer...do this ritual. ;)

Taster Video and PDF

Preview Video

  • How to Prepare
  • Preview Workbook PDF
  • Preview Video


June Initiate Retreat | Workbook | Video | Audio

Here's the content for the Initiate Retreat

  • How to Prepare
  • Initiate Retreat Doodle Workbook PDF
  • Video & Audio


Bonus: A Group Call June 26th

The Bonus Q&A Call Content
How to get 1:1 support

How to RSVP for the June 26th at 11 AM Eastern

Transcending Trauma, Remembering Joy

What's in this module:

  • How Trauma may be showing up for you
  • What to do about it...
  • Resources and Links


I'd love your feedback for how helpful you found the Initiate Retreat Thank you so much!

Modules for this course 8
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